Welcome to 3RM.co


3RM is building sales tooling for web3 ecosystems and organizations.

The current sales processes ran by web3 teams are unstructured and unsupported by sales tools built for web2 resulting in slower deals and less revenue. There is no existing tooling built to manage anonymous + pseudo-anonymous users, non-traditional sales cycles, tracking prospect conversations across discord/telegram, and profiling wallet behavior.

Our tools are built to support the entire customer lifecycle in web3 though it’s a large surface area there is a need for a web3 focused version of these today. This includes prospecting (LinkedIn Sales Navigator), data management (Apollo.io/Clearbit), contact management (Salesforce/Hubspot), sales activities (Outreach/Zoominfo), customer management (Drip/Mailchimp), and customer success (Freshdesk/Intercom).

Why sales tooling?

We have discovered how large of a problem sales tooling is when we prospected 1500 organizations over a five month window in order to build our network and have had customer conversations with all 80 of our network members explaining their relief that we were working on this solution.

To understand the flaws of sales tooling in web3, we really needed to understand the fundamental issues in why web2 infrastructure wasn't suited for modern web3 companies.

In web2, marketing would lead to the top of funnel generation and development in order to create new contacts, leads, and opportunities. Sales teams would use various tooling in order to enhance data of the customer, their various touch points, and any extra company data they could collect. A lead would work it's way through the customer lifecycle through marketing emails, prospecting calls, demos with Account Executives, and ultimately to post-sale customer success teams.

So, how do web3 organizations do this when the only information they receive on a new customer is a wallet address? How is this possible when prospecting is commonly jumping into a community Discord, asking "who do I talk to about 'X'," receiving a DM to message a team member, losing track of all of your conversations, and then ultimately being unsure of a conversion or not.

These processes are annoying and a large waste of time, resources, and energy.

3RM is not being built to bring web2 SaaS tooling into the web3. It is being built with a vision to re-imagine how we connect with each other to make business actions more effective and easier to facilitate.

Introducing the 3RM Network

3RM started with 25 web3 organizations in our network.

Organizations are created during the sign-up process and provided details about their organization, the types of matches they would like to receive, what they could offer other members, and an outline of the roles of their core team or contributors.

This model allowed for organizations to attest different individuals for different roles (sales, marketing, developer relations, etc.) in order to better connect with other members in the 3RM network.

This model of attestation allowed the fluidity of contributors and full-time teams to co-exist in one platform and manage their relationships in one place.

3RM would utilize this information and provide warm introductions for our organizations on a weekly basis in their preferred channel of communications so members could connect quicker and more effectively.

These connections lead to sponsorships, hackathons, integrations, new business, and so much more.

Our organizations were now able to discover new organizations, connect with them, and create new ideas much quicker than the status quo.

This remains a core pillar with the launch of the beta version of our product. By signing up to join 3RM, organizations are required to provide basic information in order to connect with other members inside the network.

3RM allows our members to be able to view your public organization profile, submit proposals to request to attested members based on title, or connect with a general inbox.

With the sent connection request, organizations have access to a dashboard that displays all inbound, outbound, and matches in one place. Organizations have the ability to accept or deny these requests based on the information they are provided.

If you accept the request, both contacts profiles become visible in your CRM along with their organization. This contact information is tied directly to an opportunity for your team to engage and manage.

The 3RM network will continually expand as we add more organizations and those organizations attest new individuals in order to create more value for members.

Your personal information will always remain completely private until accepted on your end.

3RM will release more information surrounding our data policy as we develop the product but the ability to scale our network is an important foundation to creating a more accessible web3 sales cycle.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our team at yo@3rm.co


Organizations that are members of the 3RM Network are know as Verified Organizations (V.O.). These organizations have a verified member that they have attested for a certain role and are able to connect with each other.

In order to create more value for the network members, 3RM consistently adds new organizations to the "All Orgs" section of the product.

The organizations that are added here are mostly composed of Unverified Organization (U.O.), or organizations that we don't have any contacts for and are not in the 3RM network.

These organizations are brought in with as much public data that we can find as possible in order to start building tooling that allows better prospecting and the growth of our network.

All organizations have a public profile and depending on the status (V.O. or U.O.), members have a number of different ways they can prospect these organizations.

  1. Connect Directly With V.O. Members - Submit a proposal directly to your preferred title and they make a decision if they want to take the conversation further.

  2. Connect With V.O. General - Submit a general proposal that their entire team can view and decide if they want to move forward, who to assign it to, and how they want to engage.

  3. Connect With U.O. General - If you want to reach out to any of our U.O.'s, you are able to submit a business development (BD) bounty for a member of the 3RM team to prospect on your behalf in order to facilitate that introduction. More on this below.

  4. Add V.O. or U.O. To CRM - Pull the public organization information directly into your CRM and add your own contacts, links, notes, or opportunities to that contact card in order to manage how your team moves forward in prospecting. No contacts are ever tied to this action.

Prospecting is a new rollout from the 3RM team and will be a core focus on how we facilitate business for our members. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to yo@3rm.co

Business Development (BD) Bounties

Business development is a process in web3 that is starting to emerge and as technical teams who have built the foundation for web3 infrastructure start to scale their sales team, 3RM has started building tooling for sales people to enter web3.

In traditional SaaS sales, business development representative (BDR) and account executives (AE) are coveted for teams because of their ability to create, manage, and apply relationships to grow a businesses sales cycle.

Similar to this, 3RM is re-creating this important role slowly inside of our own tooling. 3RM offers this service to connect you with organizations that are outside of the network. This allows teams to forge new connections and business without needed to hire or build a fair compensation structure for contributors.

Inside of any U.O., network members are able to request an introduction and the amount willing to pay in order to connect.

3RM will act on behalf of this bounty and prospect the account on your behalf. Our prospecting is to connect you with this organization, provide them the reason you want to connect, and then ultimately facilitate that introduction through our network.

If they accept, a bill will be sent to your account in order to make that payment. Upon completion of that payment, an introduction will be made to the contact at the company. 3RM will accept 100% of the payment and neither party will receive a portion of this payment.

The goal of this iteration of BD Bounties is to be able to provide feedback into the quality of the connection, the ease of use, and the value brought to your organization through it. If the connection isn't high or the quality isn't what you would like, we are happy to refund the charge.

This product will iterate consistently with the direction of making this available to all our individual members. If you are able to complete a bounty, you will be able to claim that bounty and receive payment. Our hope is to transform the way that sales people work as contributors to web3 ecosystem.

If you have any questions regarding this, please reach out to yo@3rm.co


The CRM feature inside of 3RM provides a deeper view into your leads, contacts, organizations, and opportunities. Here is how we classify each of these relationship types:

  1. Leads - These are individuals that don't have a designated relationship with, yet. Leads are intended to be loose connections that allow opportunities to formulate as you spend time connecting with them. Generally, they are not connected to any organization or opportunity and could be someone you met at a conference, a new intake form, or any other type of connection that you might form with someone.

  2. Contacts - When an opportunity can be identified, leads convert to contacts and are created with an organization. Contacts should always be tied to an organization because as relationships develop in sales, more contacts can be added to organizations or opportunities and it is best practice to have these tied together. When you create a contact, 3RM will pull their Twitter for you and allow you update any extra information surrounding the contact. In the contact view, you are able to add wallet information, their Telegram details, and any social links. Contacts will be easily accessible at any stage of your opportunities pipeline and allow you to quickly access who you need to connect with and at what channel.

  3. Organizations - Adding organizations to your CRM can be done from the "All Orgs" page or you can manually import them. Organizations are the foundation for all accurate data inside of 3RM. As organizations use 3RM and attest members, this data will auto-populate and fill your CRM when the sharing of that data is approved. If it is not approved, you will be able to add contact and opportunity data and use the organization page to track everything surrounding that organizations. Organizations can have multiple contacts and opportunities and is structured for you to be able to manage relationships across the entire customer lifecycle.

  4. Opportunities - In web2, opportunities are almost always transactional. Public information of these opportunities are never available and are kept in-house. With all transaction happening on a public ledge in web3, 3RM wants to work on making this information more flexible and powerful for the network to use. By creating opportunities manually or from our network, you are able to customize how you are working with others. This opens up opportunities for co-marketing, sponsorships, etc. and have it tracked without needing to stay in Discord or Telegram groups. You can connect chats to any opportunity and know when to connect and why. We also never pull in any of your conversation data so high-level notes are able to be added for your entire team to view without exposing any of your data. In opportunities, you are able to add tasks, reminders, assign to other users, and so much more.

As our CRM develops, these documents will update with how we envision shared data, analytics, and stages. Right now, all of the information if your CRM is private unless you opt-in to share it with your team.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to yo@3rm.co

Telegram Sync

Right now, 3RM directly supports a sync with Telegram through our 'ThreeRMbot' that can be added to any conversation inside of Telegram.

When you sign into 3RM for the first time, navigate directly to the Telegram logo seen in the top-right corner of the application.

You should be directed to a new page that requests you connect your 3RM account directly to Telegram. By clicking this action, you will effectively be connecting the bot to your 3RM account and able to send information to and from any group that the bot has been added to.

Once the bot is added to any conversation, there are a number of new actions that you are able to interact with.

Note: when you start a command, you should not click the command that is pre-populated but instead type the entire command outlined and then add your additional details after. Example: '/notes remind me to make an accurate note'

/track - as soon as the bot is added to the conversation, it will be updated in your CRM. This function is a fallback in case you need to add more people to your CRM view.

/followup - enter any set amount of time for your follow up to this contact

/notes -add any notes that you want to update your CRM with

When any of these commands are made inside of your Telegram conversations, they are visible by all parties in the conversation. 3RM never reads nor is able to see any of the individual messages in any groups.

The bot is intended to be used to send high-level information directly to the CRM from your Telegram groups to give you, your team, or any stakeholders information that is important to the chat.

If you want to share an update privately back in your CRM, open a direct chat with 'ThreeRMbot' and you will be able to complete any of the options outlined above and assign to groups inside of 3RM.

3RM is currently working on a direct integration into Telegram in order to allow users to be able to update their conversations directly from their chats. This should be available soon.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our team at yo@3rm.co

Less Data

The ultimate goal of 3RM is to create a platform where every organization and individual is able to own their information and relationship health.

While we are building this product, we are working with a variety of integration partners in order to implement identity tooling at a modular level. These tools will be accessible as the product develops. In the meantime, we request that our users provide information to update their personal profile and have complete management over who views this data.

Currently, 3RM aims to provide as much control over your connections and personal information. Your personal data is never shared with anyone in the network without your permission or consent. When you connect with someone through the 3RM network, you have the option to share your profile with them or not. Your information will never be shared without your consent. The reason we connect personal data is to connect business opportunities quicker and more effectively.

Your personal profile will be a completely private view until you accept the request to share your information with someone requesting it in the network.

In order to improve the prospecting process, 3RM manually generates the data for organizations and we only share publicly available information. This data will be enhanced through API partners in order to provide more clarity in prospecting decisions moving forward.

If you are attested by an organization, you are able to update the public organization profile with new links, details, and more information so other members can access this information in order to send more relevant proposals and connection requests.

Your public organization profile will be available to be viewed by all members of the network.

If you have any questions or would like any further details surrounding this, please don't hesitate to contact the team at yo@3rm.co


In order to prevent this from becoming a spam network and to maintain the quality of introductions held, 3RM is going to limit the number of connections allowed between organizations. In addition, the 3RM team is committed to spending time with our members to ensure the quality of connection is high.

3RM will continually work to iterate the product in order to build better tools to support the sales lifecycle for web3 ecosystems and organizations.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to yo@3rm.co

Last updated